- Description
This table was created to consolidate the list of bookmarks available throughout email templates throught all of the Solutions applications. It was built so that we can get rid of hard-coded bookmarks within the applications and make this table-driven instead. It is internal within Solutions, and not editable by users.
- Footnote
At time of writing this, we still have some bookmark usage in individual apps and not fully transitioned to using this table
- Options
display="true", null="true", search="false", type=""
bookmark_name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL
- Description
name of bookmark (what will be inserted into the template)
- Options
display="true", null="true", search="false", type=""
associated_field_name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL
- Description
Associated field name in database, if applicable
- Options
display="true", null="true", search="false", type=""
applies_to_app int(11) NOT NULL
- Description
code representing application that uses this bookmark (see global constants)
- Footnote
At time of writing this, design is such that we would need a new row for each app’s usage. But this might be better handled using a bitwise masking technique in the applies_to_app field instead
- Options
display="true", null="true", search="false", type=""
output_format varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL
- Description
Format to use when applying this bookmark to a template if not a direct translation of data in the field. For example: CURRENCY
- Options
display="true", null="true", search="false", type=""
last_change timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp() ON UPDATE current_timestamp()
- Options
display="true", null="true", search="false", type=""