Solutions Backend Programs

Several backend programs are executed on a periodic schedule to maintain the Solutions database. This document explains how Solutions users with sufficient permissions can execute specific backend tasks whenever this is required.

IMPORTANT: The backend programs will do what you ask for as fast as possible, without any warnings about potential dangers. It is recommended that you review this document before using the programs. In addition, before you hit the ENTER key after typing a command, please read through what you have typed to check that everything is spelled correctly and the whole line is as intended.


The backend programs are installed on the Linux host, so you need to login to this computer to use them:


The first time you login, you also need to setup some information required by the programs. This is done by entering these commands:


You can rerun the setup-secure command any time your information changes.

Backend programs

After you have executed setup-secure, you will be able to use the commands listed in this section. Many of these commands can accept options that modify their behavior. In particular, many commands accept the option --help, which causes them to print the list of all options they accept and terminate without doing anything else. For example, the following will print the options accepted by the rpscan command:

rpscan --help

The commands that accept the --help option are marked with [--help] in the list below. If you use a command without specifying any options, then it will be executed with the same parameters as when it is executed automatically by the system.

List of commands


Print a summary of the backend log files.

sql1 [--help]

Login to the LIVE database server

sql2 [--help]

Login to the TEST database server


Login to Rutgers Data Services.


Create a backup copy of all tables in the Solutions database. The backup copy will be stored in the subdirectory backup of your home directory (that is, /home/netid/backup with your netid substituted). This subdirectory will be created if it does not exist.

old2new [--help]

Translate some tables from Access-Solutions to Python-Solutions version, for example tbl1_People to people.

copy2sql [--help]

Copy the most important log files to the database table logfiles, so that they are visible in LogViewer.

getforms [--help]

Connect to Joomla Administrator to download the information collected by the Joomla forms. (No longer used.)


Copy the information collected by Joomla forms from Joomla database tables provided by SAS-IT.

rpscan [--help]

Import new student requests into the database, so that they are visible in RequestPortal. This program uses the information collected by copyforms.

getdataservices [--help]

Download information from Rutgers Data Services, including course schedules and information about buildings and rooms.

mkschedule [--help]

Generate an HTML schedule of all mathematics courses. The html files will be stored in the subdirectory schedule of your home directory. This subdirectory will be created if it does not exist, and all files in this schedule subdirectory will be deleted each time mkschedule is executed.


Copy the schedule files generated by mkschedule to They will then be visible at the URL

getcssinfo [--help]

Collect the information available from the course list on the CSS website and store it in the database table :ref:css_info`. This table is used to show projected enrollments in RequestPortal.

getcss [--help]

Collect the information available when viewing or editing the individual courses on the CSS website and store it in the database table css_sections.

putcss [--help]

Update instructors on the CSS website to match those in the database table css_upload. No changes will be made if css_upload contains a copy of css_sections (assuming that getcss has just been run and no changes have been made on the CSS website).


Attempt to work around errors in Access-Solutions by changing fields in css_upload. This includes removing instructors with netid TBD and trying to fix the mode codes.

checkcss [--help]

Check if the data in css_sections satisfies a list of rules, warn about violations. The warnings will show up in checkcss.log in LogViewer.

getfinals [--help]

Download the finals schedule and store it in the database table exam_schedule.

getsummer [--help]

Download the summer session schedule and store it in the database table summer_section_dates_inbound, which is used by the Access ControlCenter.

Finding information about the backend programs

To figure out which programs are executed automatically, and at which times, you can inspect the files in /home/msolutions/etc and its subdirectories. The relevant subdirectories have names starting with cron.. You can see the list by typing:

ls /home/msolutions/etc

Show which commands are executed every 15 minutes:

ls /home/msolutions/etc/cron.15min

Show which commands are executed every day at around 1 AM:

ls /home/msolutions/etc/cron.daily01

Show exactly when the programs in each directory are scheduled to run:

cat /home/msolutions/etc/crontab

In the table printed by this command, the first column determines the minute and the second column determines the hour.


This section describes some procedures that can be used to carry out specific maintenance tasks.

Clear CSS instructors

To clear all instructors in CSS for subject code 01:640 in Fall 2020, enter the following commands in order. You can optionally execute getcss first if you suspect that the table css_sections is out of date. Please avoid using this procedure around 5 AM in the morning, since at that time it may conflict with the automatic CSS sync:

sql1 -D mathdb -e "delete from css_upload"
sql1 -D mathdb -e "insert into css_upload select * from css_sections"
sql1 -D mathdb -e "update css_upload set netid1=NULL, netid2=NULL"
putcss 9-2020:01:640 --dry-run
putcss 9-2020:01:640
sql1 -D mathdb -e "delete from css_upload"

Note: The option --dry-run will cause putcss to show the intended changes to CSS without carrying them out. This is useful for making sure that you agree with the changes before the second putcss command is executed. The dry-run command can be skipped if you are confident that everything is fine.

Note: Do not forget to enter the semester-subject argument (9-2020:01:640). If no such argument is given, then putcss will operate on all semesters that Solutions is currently working on and clear the instructors in all these semesters.

If you only want to clear the instructors of some courses, then use the --courses option to putcss. For example:

putcss 9-2020:01:640 --courses 250,300-311 --dry-run
putcss 9-2020:01:640 --courses 250,300-311